James Rick Stinson


On one of my trips to visit my Mom and her husband Ken in Michigan, I recall after the recent death of a family member, begging to God to please give me some direction so I didn’t waste my life. I would rather know what I was meant to do when I was young and not wait until I’m too old or dead before I completed the mission. With tears in my eyes I prayed for this clarity.

That night when I went to bed I found myself in a dream.. Walking the streets with someone else as if I owned the town. It felt like I was a member of the mafia or something with the way I was walking. Then suddenly out of nowhere comes two guys with guns and they shoot me and the person I was walking with. I could literally still feel the bullets ripping through my body and experiencing the realization that I was about to die right there on the street.

The next thing I remember is being lead through a dressing room with all kinds of characters getting dressed up. Two men in suits that didn’t say a word were taking me to a back room. Most of the characters were turned towards the mirror fixing themselves up but one of them stopped dead in their tracks and looked at me with wide eyes and said, “WOW, You’ve gotten so BIG!” I wasn’t sure what they were talking about but I feel like I met this person in later life and we have quite the spiritual connection.

Then as I’m in the back room the men in suits , still not talking, instruct me to feel the brick wall.. I recall just running my hands across the bricks. When they were satisfied with that, they injected me with something into my arm and suddenly I find myself back on the street where I had been ‘killed’ in the previous scene. Now suddenly I realize that EVERYTHING in my reality is teaching me something, so I start watching very closely.

It all feels so real, cars going by, people walking, the leaves of the trees.. The simulation feels so real! And suddenly a car hits a man on the bike at a slow speed, knocking the man down to the ground. He starts yelling at the man in the car and the man in the car starts yelling back. Then I see a spiritual man walking towards the scene, slowly, gracefully, but with direction. He walks towards the man on the ground, grabs some clay or something and rubs it across the other man’s face. The man goes instantly quiet and surrendered in the arms of this spiritual figure, that looked like a Jesus or something. I’m watching very closely as I know there is a lesson here. He looks at me and says “You see, this is what most people miss.” And I suddenly have a flashback of being in the room with the men in the suits, running my hands across the brick wall .. and I say, “The detail!” .. and he nods his head and says, “That’s right, the details”.
And with that .. I suddenly feel like I’m being sucked into a vortex of some kind that is ripping me along at faster than light speed, millions of miles an hour before suddenly I land back in my bed, my head still spinning.

I have taken this dream to be the answer to my question: instead of a direct and clear objective of what I’m supposed to do in this life, I’m mostly meant to be very PRESENT to the little details and not miss them. That has profound shaped my life, my level of awareness and presence and allowed me to relax my mind more often.

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