James Rick Stinson


The break up with Shereen opened something significant in my heart .. I had intense dreams and started to feel my heart again on a deep and profound , almost mystical level. Shortly after returning to Costa Rica I could sense my ability to see right through people’s eyes and into their heart and even shared what felt like a psychic sense to know what was going on in a person.

I created a method I called “Heart clearing” and began working with anyone that wanted heart clearing, which would eventually take me on a “heart clearing world tour’ from Hong Kong to Dubai, to Amsterdam to Londo and beyond. This tour eventually led me to the invitation to France for TED Talk “How to Clear the Heart of the World.’


It was around this time I met a wonderful being named Jennifer who would become a great ally in moving the ball forward on the heart clearing world tour, setting up workshops at various high end resorts and then we’d go host them together. She would also be a lover and an extraordinary person who taught me a lot about love and how to be a better communicator.

We would connect with each other on and off over a period of 3 years or so as I would travel back and forth to the Philippines. She was 10 years older than me and yet youthful and such a bright energy.
We had talked extensively about inviting other women into our relationship and yet after meeting Zenith at the Zen Awakening festival I made the mistake of inviting Zenith to Bali before consulting with Jennifer.. And Jennifer was devastated and wanted nothing to do with me after that. I realized my insensitivity to her feelings had cost me a great relationship and it wasn’t the first time, nor would it be the last, as I still had much maturing to do when it came to love and relationship. And I still believed strongly that a three or more relationship configuration could work.


At various times I would try out different leadership to oversee the call centers in the Philippines. I’ve been extremely blessed to still have the first business I started more than 17 years after founding it. Survival has been a key point – no matter what, if you can hang on when times are tough, you can keep going.

At one point I had a dramatic turn of events with the CEO I appointed named Tony. At the time we were growing the business and needed to expand to another office. We had a seat leasing arrangement with a man who took advantage of the fact that Tony liked shiny things and I was thousands of miles away. I’m sure I’m greatly simplifying his motivation to do what he did, but in short they went into business together and tried to take the whole business, which at the time was all 200 staff and clients, over $200 k in monthly in revenue.

The story was that we were going bankrupt and that all the clients and agents had better sign with the new company or they were risking their jobs or their uptime as clients. Because I had entrusted communications with the core team and I was mostly hands off, serving as chairman / advisor as needed – the clients already had close relations with the team, and the team had close relations with the leadership. So it was pretty easy to shift everything over to new contracts and I was left with about 10{31ced4f22ad0b4b17f69bbc989398e45e16e6a0c2440a4e5a62635a12fdac828} of the business I started with.. The people that were still operating out of the old office that trusted in me and remained loyal to me.

Perhaps the best decision I made was not to panic or get angry. At the start of the year I had said that we as a company should aim to exist at a level 10 energy and culture.. And that as long as we remain focused on the intention to be the best energy possible, whatever happened to us in the 3d was part of that process. So when this all happened, I remained calm and said that I trust its part of the process. Many couldn’t believe how calm I was about losing the majority of the business. At times I wondered if I was also too lax about the situation as I didn’t really want to tie things up in court or go after anyone.

Thankfully I had some resources in the bank and they didn’t steal the funds that they had access to and I was able to secure them pretty quickly – this added to my comfort, but make no mistake I had lost the majority of my income after years of building up to that point and I was disappointed in the betrayal, but I had such high trust that it negated the downward energy I could have gotten caught up in.


It must have been about 3 or 4 months after Tony and his new partner had everything under control but somehow, karma was at work. I started receiving messages from an insider saying that they trusted in me and they belonged at Global Sky. That power moves were being made at the new office that were making people concerned about their jobs. Some key people had been let go, promises had been broken and I had remained firm in my story, my position.. That I was just glad they all still had jobs and if they were being taken care of that was top priority.

I would also copy some of the messages I received and send them to my largest client which was about 130 agents at the time and just share that if they needed any help at all, I was available and ready to figure out any solution.

This SOFT approach eventually worked.. the new business started to unravel, which on some level isn’t surprising when the integrity of the business is off from the start. The client asked me how fast I could move them back to a new office under my guidance. I couldn’t really believe what was happening, on the surface it seemed very unlikely that everything would come back to me. But indeed it did. And for whatever reason I was being TRUSTED to make it happen, from thousands of miles away in Costa Rica. I called on Ron, whom I now call Master Ron as he is the master of the details, to help make it happen as he swore to me after the whole fiasco if I ever needed anything to let him know. He was deeply sorry to have been involved in the initial move and that he had been deceived, and he wanted to make it up to me.

On exactly April 1st, (April Fools day) we (he and the team) completed the move exactly 7 days after the client had requested it.. At a new office, in a new location, even while missing some equipment that had been held hostage by the former company.. Yet he truly came through and made it happen without months of planning or the usual amount of time getting a new office ready for such a large client. I call it the Swann Miracle. I am sure that by trusting in something greater and not bad mouthing the client or anyone on the team, I held space for something even more positive to occur and it did!


The idea of the Happy Hubs, a nomadic work resort, evolved into a heart-based healing retreat center called Coravida .. which continued to evolve into a space for the heart’s expression: an artist / creator space, where I too have continued to my heart’s expression through music, art and retreats.

I noticed that my life and projects seem to evolve as I do, for example the space of Happy Hubs becoming Coravida, and that as I evolve rapidly so do the projects I’m working on. The things I want to work on change relative to WHO I am as a being..

The only thing that hasn’t changed as much is the call centers, which thankfully due in large part to the teams there, has been a reliable source of income to pursue the many other things that call to my heart.

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