James Rick Stinson

Age 35 is when I started this journey of really sharing the story you are reading here. I had my 35th birthday just 5 days after Zen was born.


Zen’s complications would send him to the hospital right after he was born. They immediately started giving him vaccines which I feel further complicated his condition. This would begin a journey of long hospital stays and being in and out of the hospital for the next few months.

I felt helpless in my attempts to see Zen or get him out of the hospital. Once a child goes into the healthcare system in Costa Rica, he is basically like property of the state. And while I deeply appreciate the medical care he received, I also felt frustrated in my inability to father him the way I wanted. Or even see him as long as I wanted.. Limited to just 1 hour hospital visits per day in the beginning!

Zenith accepted the situation with grace and was always there for Zen, spending countless hours nurturing Zen at the hospital day and night until we were able to get an amazing Nanny named Luisa who would become like Zen’s second mother, literally – she later got temporary custody of Zen as Costa Rica’s healthcare system thought he was underweight due to neglect.

She continued living at the house and being the best nanny ever to Zen while we made the best of the situation, living in one house while still carrying on with Coravida and the quest to grow the retreat center together.

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