James Rick Stinson

My 36th birthday started with a bang. A huge celebration at my house in Costa Rica with friends and family. I had one friend give me a small hit of LSD and it sent me to the moon. I am extremely sensitive to drugs and plant medicines as you might have read earlier, and so this was definitely a next level experience for me. The only other time I did LSD was at Envision Festival the year before and I wound up going on stage during a speaker’s performance and being part of it.


Age 36 brought with it many challenges including the separation of Zenith and I. I was still adamant about having an open relationship and would on occasion connect with girls. This proved to be too much strain on our relationship and shortly after my birthday she separated and went to our condo in Jaco while I stayed at the house in Manuel Antonio.

We would still see each other on the weekends and an unconditional love was still blossoming.

She decided to leave for Miami to take Zen to other specialists in the states. The plan was that she would be no more than a month and then return. The time in Miami was longer than anticipated and on November 12th I had a flight to Miami, but she needed more time to process everything.


On that fateful day I connected with Rebekah Joy for the 2nd time, since our first chance encounter at the Envision Festival in Costa Rica. The first time we met I had just finished a drum circle where I had been deep into drumming and chanting and she was just coming out of her tent as I was bring drums back to the car. The lit up and the first words out of her mouth were something to the effect of “You have such amazing energy’ .. she recounts the story as if spirit moved her to stand in front of me and say those words , not by choice since she just woke up, but as if the whole thing was orchestrated by spirit.

We never exchanged information as I continued on my way to the car. But through mutual friends she would eventually make her way to Coravida that same year to be part of meditations lead by Unity Grace, but I would be gone, leaving to do my TED talk in France.

I supported the meditations that Unity Grace was doing for a couple months, believing they were so profound and portal opening that it was only a matter of time before we were visited by aliens or a 2nd coming, or whatever miracle was about to occur.. I felt it was very close and so money wouldn’t matter anyway.

This has been a recurring theme with Coravida, me supporting people from my heart while we ‘activate the energy field’ for whatever is the great work that is to be done.. At one time supporting 18 people myself.. And realizing many thousands of dollars later, that sometimes supporting people is also enabling them, and that the key to all this work we are doing is to find a way to be more sustainable and ideally out of the money system itself through efficient use of resources, farming, lower cost shelter, solar panels etc. which is the direction we are going with projects like Cora Nation and Tiny Developments.


It was in this year the Corona Virus hit and changed all our plans. Instead of coming back to Costa Rica, Zenith got stuck in Miami and Costa Rica closed its borders. The future uncertain I decided to leave Coravida and move into a property compound deeper in the mountains and less populated. Beka, I and our friend Violet held up for a month in this way and then decided it was better to be in community. We relocated closer to Tinamaste / Diamonte Valley at a place called Lagunas. I continued to connect with friends and family remotely.. Even urging everyone to come to Costa Rica before the borders closed.

The Corona Virus would change the way people related and worked for the rest of this year and into 37.

We have been making the most of being in Costa Rica with our secondary family, a tribe community that gathers regularly, lives together and continues to explore our spiritual evolution together in Costa Rica, not able to leave because there is no guarantee of a return.

I have done my best to remain connected with everyone back home until the borders re-open, yet that feeling of longing is still there in everyone’s heart.

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